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Good work practices should be shared and used as examples for others. Minister Myriam Telemaque visits, Payanke CIP Lounge by Avani at Pointe Larue International Airport, East Indies and Maurilait at Providence Industrial Estate. To start off the year 2020 the Minister for Employment, Immigration & Civil Status, Mrs Myriam Telemaque, accompanied by senior officers of the Ministry visited three…
Mar 03, 2020
PRESS CONFERENCE BY PS BAKER, EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT 30.03.2020 ICCS Room 2 Regilasyon lo Lanplwa (Coronavirus Konze Spesyal)(Mezir Tanporer), 2020 Entrodiksyon Bonzour tou dimoun prezan. Mon remesye zot pou vin asiste sa konferans de pres. Mon tya kontan an premye lye anonse ki ozordi Minis Myriam Telemaque, Minis pou Lanplwa, imigrasyon ek leta sivil, in sinny Employment (Special Leave) (Temporary Measures)…
Mar 31, 2020
The year 2019 has been a busy year for our Ministry. Much has been achieved and this has been made possible thanks to the dedication of all the staff as well as solid collaborative approach adopted for many years now. It has not been without its fair share of challenges but we managed to push through and deliver on the…
Jan 25, 2020
As part of the Ministry of Employment, Immigration & Civil Status’ ongoing plan to synchronize the partnership between the Ministry and the private sector, the Minister, Mrs. Myriam Telemaque, carried out fourteen workplace visits throughout the year 2019 in different establishments covering most industries, including manufacturing, retail and wholesale and hospitality, on Mahe, Praslin and La Digue. During her visits…
Feb 29, 2020
The Minister for Employment, Immigration and Civil Status, Mrs Myriam Telemaque is heading a tripartite delegation from Seychelles at the 14th ILO Regional Meeting which is also commemorating its 60th anniversary in Africa and the ILO’s centenary, in Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire from 3rd to 6th December 2019. On Wednesday 4th December, Minister Telemaque delivered her speech at the meeting stating…
Dec 05, 2019
‘Minister for Employment, Immigration and Civil Status meets with his homologue from the Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh’ on the margin of the auspicious event of the signing of the Bilateral Labour Agreement between the Seychelles and Bangladesh’ Minister for Employment, Immigration and Civil Status Mrs. Myriam Telemaque, in the presence of…
Oct 21, 2019