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This was the message of the Minister for Employment, Immigration and Civil Status when she visited two establishments in wholesale/retail business recently. The first visit was to Apex Hotel Supplies Ltd on 15th March. The company employs 94 workers including 12 non-Seychellois. The second company visited was ISPC with 79 workers including 16 non-Seychellois. As per usual the Minister interacted…
Nov 04, 2019
The Minister for Employment, Immigration and Civil Status, Miriam Telemaque, visited the Constance Ephelia Hotel and Resorts, as part of her ongoing program to synchronise the partnership between the ministry and the private establishments. The Minister was accompanied by the Principal Secretary for Employment, Mr. Jules Baker, the Special Advisor for Employment Ms. Veronique Bresson, the Director General for Industrial…
Nov 04, 2019
The Ministry of Employment in collaboration with The Guy Morel institute organized its first ever ‘Prepare for Work’ Certificate Presentation Ceremony on Saturday 31st August 2019 at the Savoy Resort & Spa, Beau Vallon. The ceremony was graced by the 28 participants registered on the Skills Development programme accompanied by their parents and mentors The ‘’Prepare for work’’ programme is…
Aug 31, 2019
To celebrate the two years since the Employment, Immigration and Civil Status departments have joined as a Ministry, a “Fitness Fun Day” was organized by the social welfare committee of the Ministry on Saturday 12th October 2019 at Mt-Fleuri sports field. The aim of the activity was to promote fitness and a healthy lifestyle amongst the staff and to create…
Oct 12, 2019
On Friday 05th July 2019, Minister Telemaque accompanied by high officials from her Ministry conducted a workplace visit to Bliss Hotel at Glacis. Situated on the northern shores of the Mahe Island Bliss Boutique Hotel was rename to ‘’Bliss Mahe Seychelles’’ on 01st November 2018, employs 43 workers which 17 only are Seychellois. The Ministerial delegation was welcomed by the…
Sep 13, 2019
Civil Construction Company Limited-CCCL a well-known privatized company in the Seychelles, serving the construction industry since the 1st November 1998, is one of the major providers of crusher and quarry products in the Seychelles. It currently employs 104 workers. The Minister of Employment, Immigration and Civil Status Mrs. Miriam Telemaque accompanied by high officials from her Ministry visited the workplace…
Sep 13, 2019