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Employment Department in collaboration with the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) officially launched the first phase of the Internal Labour Market Information System (LMIS) for the Employment Services and Industrial Relations Modules on Thursday 16th December 2021. The creation of the modules is to register vacancies, jobseekers, job placements and applications of redundancy. The system will better assist…
Dec 16, 2021
Labour Market Information System (LMIS) official launching
Departman Lanplwa i’n aprann ki ozordi serten travayer PUC i’n refize travay an relasyon avek size peyman bonous. Departman Lanplwa i oule rapel tou travayer dan Sesel ki okenn konfli konsernan benefis lanplwa ki pa dan lalwa ni dan kontra i bezwen ganny rezourd an akor avek Lalwa Relasyon Endistriyel. Dan sa konteks, bonous i pa en drwa legal anba…
Dec 16, 2021
The Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs and the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs have come together to promote awareness of the very serious and impactful disease that is the most common amongst men known as prostate cancer.
Nov 30, 2021
Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs Employment Department IAEA Expert Mission-Review of Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan for Seychelles The Department of Employment hosted a team of two experts, from the 27th September 2021 to the 1st October 2021, namely Mr Zephirin Athanase Ouedraogo from the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, based in Vienna, Austria and Mr Faradally Ollite, Director…
Sep 27, 2021
 Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs Employment Department ACCS training with Employment Department staffs. On 20th September 2021 the Minister for Employment and Social Affairs launched a series of training in collaboration with ACCS, earmarked for all staff of the Ministry to sensitise and create awareness on the topic of corruption, its causes, effects and ways to prevent it. On…
Oct 01, 2021
Press Update Friday 6th August 2021 Air Seychelles submitted an application to make redundant 10 pilots in accordance with the provision of the Employment Act 1995. After both parties were heard in the consultation process, Employment Department did not approve the redundancy. The parties have been notified and Air Seychelles has a right of appeal to the Minister within 7…
Aug 06, 2021