Nov 04, 2019 922times

Employment, Immigration and Civil Status Minister calls on working organisations to recognise the importance of having proper human resource management systems in place in order to achieve workplace harmony that will drive productivity

This was the message of the Minister for Employment, Immigration and Civil Status when she visited two establishments in wholesale/retail business recently.  The first visit was to Apex Hotel Supplies Ltd on 15th March.  The company employs 94 workers including 12 non-Seychellois.  The second company visited was ISPC with 79 workers including 16 non-Seychellois. 

As per usual the Minister interacted with the workers at their workstation providing them the opportunity to freely express their challenges as well as talk about the good practices being implemented by the company they work for.   There were many concerns raised by workers of both businesses that, in the Ministry’s view, could have been dealt with internally to the satisfaction of both parties should there have been proper human resource management set-up in place.  The arrangements are very much fragmented therefore provides no structured channel for the workers to bring out their issues causing them to get discouraged.  The absence of an effective human resource management system to successfully undertake HR planning and implement HR policies may cause a disconnect within the company thus affect employee morale and productivity.  For any business its workforce is one of the most important drivers for growth.  If they do not have an avenue to discuss their issues things build up, the workers get frustrated and the company may end up losing its most valuable asset. 

This is exactly the point that the Minister discussed with management at the end of the tour.  It is the priority action that both companies have been encouraged to undertake so that the other points of worry raised by staff could be strategically resolved.  The Minister took the opportunity to remind the top leaders of both businesses that in order to have a productive workplace there needs to be effective motivational and management strategies in place.  She said that there are some good practices being undertaken by both companies such as discounts on goods purchased at the shop but that those positive aspects are being overshadowed by so much discontentment and mistrust on the part of the workers.  Both companies have so much potential to grow but for that to happen workplace harmony has to prevail. 

The Ministry will continue to work closely with both businesses in order to provide guidance and support so that they are able to move forward.  Officers will undertake follow-up visits within appropriate time to monitor the implementation of the recommendations discussed with management.