Dec 16, 2021 715times

Labour Market Information System (LMIS) official launching

Labour Market Information System (LMIS) official launching

Employment Department in collaboration with the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) officially launched the first phase of the Internal Labour Market Information System (LMIS) for the Employment Services and Industrial Relations Modules on Thursday 16th December 2021.

The creation of the modules is to register vacancies, jobseekers, job placements and applications of redundancy. The system will better assist the Ministry to understand the needs of its clients and it will also provide information for labour market statistics and analysis.

The ceremony began with the opening remarks from the Minister for Employment and Social Affairs Mrs. Patricia Francourt where the Minister thanked the Vice-President Mr. Ahmed Afif for his presence, which affirms his continued commitment towards efficient service delivery across Government through information technological tools. Minister Francourt expressed her appreciation to the Minister for Finance, Economic Planning and Trade, Mr Naadir Hassan, for his support in reinforcing the collaboration of the LMIS implementation process between the Departments of Employment and ICT.

Minister Francourt also extended her thanks to the Employment and DICT teams who have worked tirelessly on the development of the forms, programming of the system and facilitating the necessary training to the Employment officers on Mahe, Praslin and La Digue.

The Minister continued by adding that as we are living and working in a digital era, where many parts of our life and the economy depends on information technology. As the expectations of the clients - the public increase, they rely on public servants to deliver services timely and efficiently. Therefore introducing the online system will better able the Ministry to collect, compile and standardize more information on jobs in demand through registered vacancies and the people seeking employment. This will also in turn enable the Ministry to provide a quicker feedback to its clients and to monitor their employment status.

Mr. Gerard Gill Director of Software Development from DICT and the officers from Employment Department demonstrated how they will access and insert information of Employer, Employees and Job seekers in the module.

The Vice-President received the honour to press the button to officially launch the live version of the modules. The ceremony was ended after Principal Secretary of Employment Department Mr. Jules Baker and other officials from DICT gave a brief explanation of the next phase of the LMIS.