Nov 29, 2024 369times

Minister Patricia Francourt attends the Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications and the Technical Cooperation Programme of the International Atomic Energy Agency

Minister Patricia Francourt attends the Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications and the Technical Cooperation Programme of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria


The Minister for Employment and Social Affairs Mrs Patricia Francourt is in Vienna, Austria attending the Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications.  The focus of the conference is the promotion of peaceful use of nuclear science and technology to construct a safer, healthier and more sustainable future for all.  Member States are deliberating over a period of 3 days and at the same time taking stock of what has been achieved so far in terms of technological advancement through cooperation and also reflect on what lies ahead. 


One topic of particular importance for the Ministry that also drew much interest from other participating countries was the subject of recognizing the role of women in science for a sustainable future.  This is so as we are in the process of finalizing the Human Resource Development Plan for the country.  The deliberations centred around the need to champion gender inclusion and encouraging women in pursuing scientific careers, a field with vast possibilities to transform lives, so that they can participate in finding the much needed solutions for the world’s crisis. 


In the words of the Director General of IAEA, Mr Rafael Mariano Grossi, ‘I am keen to embrace new ways of working and delivering results through expanding efforts and forging partnership with both traditional and new partners and donors, mobilizing resources and ensuring resilience and sustainability at the very heart of what we do’.


The Technical Cooperation programme assists Member States in developing national regulations that are aligned with international safety standards to enhance consistency and facilitate regional cooperation.  It also provides training and technical assistance to regulatory bodies, empowering them to effectively implement and enforce nuclear safety regulations.  Seychelles has benefited and continues to benefit since joining the organization in 2002.  We have some way to go still to get to full compliance but we are optimistic for the future.

The other member of the Seychelles delegation was the Principal Secretary for Employment, Ms Veronique Bresson.