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Apr 07, 2022 688times

Minister Francourt meets with IOM Chief of Mission for Seychelles

Minister Francourt meets with IOM Chief of Mission for Seychelles

The Minister for Employment and Social Affairs, Mrs. Patricia Francourt met with Ms. Celine Lemmel, Chief of mission for Seychelles and Mauritius from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on Thursday 7th April 2022 at the Ministry’s office, Independence House Annex.

Ms. Lemmel who was accompanied by Mr. Niven Muneesammy, IOM National Programme and Policy Officer are on an official mission in Seychelles and took the opportunity to discuss labour migration issues with the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs. Minister Francourt stated that the work of the IOM remains relevant to the Ministry as Seychelles continues to experience a high demand for migrant workers. In 2021 there were 17061 posts applied by employers for recruitment of migrant workers in the country. Majority of the requests were from the industries of Construction, Tourism, Wholesale and retail trade and Manufacturing. Hence fair and ethical recruitment and induction of migrant workers prior to coming to work in Seychelles are crucial to ensure effective management of their employment.

On her part, Ms. Lemmel expressed her appreciation to the Ministry for the close collaboration and engagement of Seychelles with the IOM and commended the country on its effort in addressing labour migration issues, trafficking in persons and for including the migrant workers in vaccination against Covid-19 pandemic. “The IOM is here to support the country and extend its collaboration at the next level” says Ms. Lemmel. Areas of future collaboration discussed were in regards to labour mobility, implementation of priority areas under the action plan of the Seychelles labour migration policy and technical assistance under the Southern Africa Migration Management (SAMM) project.

Also present at the meeting was the Principal Secretary for Employment Mr. Jules Baker, Principal Secretary for Social Affairs Mrs. Linda William-Melanie, Chief Executive Officer of Agency for Social Protection Mrs. Brenda Morin, Executive Director in office of the Minister Ms. Veronique Bresson, Ms. Susan Morel Chief Policy Analyst and an official from the Department of Foreign Affairs.