Mar 18, 2022 796times

Seychelles and Nepal to strengthen Bilateral Labour Relations

Seychelles and Nepal to strengthen Bilateral Labour RelationsMeeting in session

H.E Mr. Krishna Kumar Shrestha the Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Security from Nepal paid a courtesy call on the Minister for Employment and Social Affairs, Mrs. Patricia Francourt, on Friday 18th March 2022.

The Ministerial delegations discussed the development of a Bilateral Labour Agreement (BLA) between the Government of Seychelles and the Government of Nepal. The Agreement which will benefit both the Private and Public Sector will set out the recruitment procedures of workers from Nepal coming to work in Seychelles, thus ensure safe, ethical and fair recruitment practices. As stated by Minister Francourt in her opening remarks, the BLA will enable ethical recruitment practices and clearly establish the obligations of Seychellois employers, Nepalese workers and the authorities in both countries.

Minister Francourt further stated that through the implementation of the Agreement, this will ensure that:

  • Workers register with the specified recruitment employment agencies and/or with competent authority in Nepal;
  • Workers are skilled and qualified for the post;
  • workers are aware and understand their terms and conditions of their employment contract;
  • Workers are well-prepared, speak basic English and have knowledge on the life, laws and culture of Seychelles.


With a growing number of foreign workers in the country both parties stated that the BLA would be mutually beneficial and Minister Francourt reassured the Nepalese delegation on Seychelles’ commitment towards treating all workers in Seychelles equally.

On his side H.E Mr. Krishna Kumar Shrestha on behalf of his country was equally pleased to be in Seychelles to discuss the Agreement and stated that it is the aim of his Government through this Bilateral Labour Agreement to ensure effective protection of its citizens while living and working abroad. H.E Mr. Krishna Kumar Shrestha explained that Nepal has a lot to offer in terms of skills and manpower and assured the Government of Seychelles that proper training of Nepalese workers will be undertaken prior to their entry in Seychelles.

Discussion on the BLA is still ongoing and the two parties agreed to further exchange comments on the Agreement in order to finalize.