Jul 03, 2020 990times

Minister Telemaque visits La Digue tourism establishments

Minister Telemaque visits La Digue tourism establishments Minister Telemaque visits La Digue tourism establishments

                                                                        Ministry of Employment, Immigration & Civil Status Communique

 In this current economic climate where many businesses are facing difficulties as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was necessary for the government to introduce certain measures to ease the impact that the virus is having on the economy and businesses in general.  In order to better understand the specificities of the two most populated and economically active inner islands in the face of the pandemic, on 9th June 2020 the Minister of Finance, Trade, Investment and Economic Planning, Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine and Minister of Employment, Immigration and Civil Status met with tourism businesses on La Digue to hear their plea so that targeted measures specific to them could be implemented.  La Digue being an island that can be said to be fully reliant on tourism has been heavily impacted with many businesses closed since March/April 2020. 

At the said meeting Minister Telemaque made an undertaking to conduct follow-up visits to the respective establishments that were present that day, to get to know their individual concerns and follow-up on commitments made by government at the meeting.  In keeping with the engagement made, the Minister went to La Digue on Friday 3rd July 2020 and met with 8 tourism establishments’ owners that included 7 guest houses[i] and 1 small hotel[ii]

To note that the majority of them have indicated that they are committed to keep their local workers as long as they receive government assistance to pay the salary.  The main issue that most of them raised was the fact that they have not received a response on their application for salary assistance from the FA4JR committee causing uncertainty that is curtailing their ability to make a decision on the future of their business that includes their workers.  The Minister undertook to follow-up with the Ministry of Finance on their behalf.

The follow-up visits will continue during the month of July and August, to include Praslin tourism businesses as well.



 [i] Moonlight Beach Villa, Villa Charme de l’Ile,  Veronic Self-Catering Guest House, Villa Authentique, Marie-France Beach Front Apartment, Old Pier Café, Zerof Restaurant and Guest House.

[ii] Vilaz Patatran.